Showing: 1 - 6 of 6 RESULTS
Movies + TV

BL’s to watch if starting out.

Let’s admit, BL’s have been dominating the world. The love between two boys that knows no gender easily has gained a cult following. It’s a world that says you’re falling in love with a person regardless of sex. I can’t even count on my fingers how many I’ve watched. I can however say my earliest …


Things To Remember When 30 and Dating.

Ugh, dating. It’s not everyone’s favorite social activity. For some, securing a date is as easy as waving down a cab. There’s little effort and they have a grasp on flirting. If you’re like me, I have no game whatsoever. I never know when someone’s flirting with me and my form of getting someone’s attention …


5 Mindful tips to crushing your goals.

Let’s be honest when we think about goals, we view them as new year’s resolution and those were something that were made to be broken. You would shoot too high and find yourself stuck on a ledge with no way to come back down. I can’t say how many times I’ve found myself on that …

Ask !Ay, Please


“BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, YOU ARE BRAVER THAN YOU THINK, MORE TALENTED THAN YOU KNOW, AND CAPABLE OF MORE THAN YOU IMAGINE.” Hi Conflicted, I can understand your struggle, it’s hard to chase your dreams when you are constantly reminded that you’re an adult with repsonsibilites. The daily struggle of having to work a job that …